THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has decided that he will use Latin during the preface and the canon of all the masses he celebrates, regardless of the vernacular language the mass is being celebrated in.
(Telegraph) - Monsignor Guido Marini, Papal Master of Ceremonies, confirms in an interview with Scotland’s Herald newspaper today that during his visit to Britain Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate the Prefaces and Canons of all his Masses in Latin, “to emphasise the universality of the faith and the continuity of the Church”.Once again, the Holy Father sets an example for the rest of the Church, but how many clergy will follow his example? Answer - virtually none! Why? Because the churches in Western countries are controlled by Modernists who abhor tradition. We only need look at how many priests and bishops currently encourage communion on the tongue while kneeling to see how bad of shape the Church is really in, and how indifferent (or even rebellious) her clergy really are.
The Canon (Eucharistic Prayer) is the heart of the Mass, during which the priest consecrates and elevates the Host. There can be little doubt that Marini has put his foot down. Having already stopped liturgical philistines from subjecting the Pope to various musical horrors, he is now sending a clear – and, one suspects, deeply unwelcome – message to English, Welsh and Scottish bishops who actively discourage the celebration of Mass in Latin...
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So if you're a priest reading this, lets see how gutsy you are? I've got a challenge for you, if you have the courage to take it, and I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of you won't. Next Sunday after reading this, preach a homily explaining the Holy Father's liturgical examples for us, and how he wants us to imitate him in these things. If you need some more details into the way the Holy Father thinks, pick up a copy of The Spirit of the Liturgy and read it. Recommend it to your congregation as well, especially to anyone who seriously questions your actions. Then on the following Sunday after that, have your staff put a couple of kneelers out, ready to be placed by your alter-servers (or ushers) at the appropriate time during mass. Also put a crucifix on your alter, front and center, regardless of which way you celebrate mass (ad orientem or ad populum). Next, learn to say the canon of the mass in Latin. It's not that hard. I'm a layman with no formal training in Latin whatsoever and I can do it. So man up already! If I can do it so can you. Then implement everything.
- Put a crucifix on the alter in the center. (consider the ad orientem posture during the Liturgy of the Eucharist if functionally possible.)
- Have the servers or ushers position the kneelers at the right time during mass.
- Say the canon of the mass in Latin.
- Serve communion to your parishioners on the tongue while they kneel (if physically able).
I invite any priest reading this to comment below, regardless of what you have to say, and you can do so anonymously without leaving your real name. Use a pseudoname like "Father Q" for example if you feel you must.
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